The Precursor

The end of World War II marked the beginning of a phenomenal period of growth in Pentecostalism around the world.
The movement that started half a century earlier, marked by a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the renewal of spiritual gifts in the church, was suddenly launched into the mainstream of Christian denominationalism.
It is believed that this remarkable wave of new converts is due to the emergence of the greatest healing revival ever witnessed in the history of the world. It was an event that began with the visitation of an Angel and a gift of healing that was so special that it caused crowds to declare, "The Bible days are here again!"
The Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements provides the following synopsis of this milestone in church history: The "person universally known as the father" and "forerunner" of the revival was William Branham.
The sudden appearance of his healing and miracle campaigns in 1946 started an explosion in the Pentecostal movement, which moved to Main Street in the United States in the 1950s and made the main movement charismatic was born in the 1960s, which currently affects almost all denominations in the country. ” 1
In many ways, William Branham appeared to be an unlikely candidate to become the beneficiary of this wonderful gift that would shake the world. He was born into a family that could barely provide for his physical needs, and lacked a Christian influence. His formal education ended in seventh grade, which made him speak the language of ordinary people throughout his life.
But instead of an education, God equipped him with an attractive narrator's voice, and although his grammar is often simple, there was no doubt about the meaning of his words. His preaching style was not developed in a seminar, but he used illustrations that came from his life experiences, especially the time he spent in the forest observing nature.
Even when his healing ministry became legendary, he never adopted a wasteful lifestyle or promoting himself above others. Throughout his life, William Branham showed the kind of simplicity and humility that mark greatness in men.
Do not hesitate to take those words to your heart. When you do, you will discover a message that is powerful and timely today, just as it was the day it was spoken.
Rebekah Branham Smith
* Stanley M. Burgess and Gary B. McGee, editors; Patrick H. Alexander, associate editor. Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zonderval Publishing House, 1988) pg. 372.