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Messages in Portuguese

We are developing a Message Search application, with all the Sermons already translated, available in Portuguese.

How is the Full Translation of the Message Done?

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The Voice of God

Logo Editora A Mensagem site 2020.png

Search in Messages

Editora A Mensagem

Escritorio  A Voz de Deus.jpg

Search in Messages

A Palavra Original


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Crentes da Bíblia

Crentes da Biblia Busca.png

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Luz do Entardecer

luz do entardecer Mensagens.jpg

Search in Messages

Independent Translations

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© 2014 - 2020 The Message for Children / publishing house The Message - CNPJ: 19.721.615 / 0001-35

Avenida A, 680/16, Bairro Protásio Alves, Porto Alegre / Rio Grande do Sul

Our products are delivered between 03 - 15 working days - Books, booklets and sermons by William Marrion Branham

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